How does it work?
First things first:
Please register on this homepage for our event!
Make sure to fill out your profile details so that other participants can get in touch with you.
Partner Matching
This Online Matchmaking is an open 1:1 networking platform. It is an ideal way to initiate contact with potential new international collaboration partners and a great opportunity to widen your network.

- Send 1:1 meeting requests between 10 November 2020 and 10 December 2020
- Schedule 1:1 meetings between 10 November 2020 and 10 December 2020
Points to Note
- All meetings arranged via this website are in the form of video calls.
- You can build your own personal meeting schedule based on meetings you have initiated or received and accepted.
- Accepted meeting requests will be scheduled according to mutual availability and preference. When sending a meeting request, you will be able to propose the date and time for a 15, 30, 45, or 60-minute video call. The date and time of the call can later be re-scheduled by both parties if needed.
Technical Preparations for Video Calls
- Use a desktop computer or laptop where both webcam and microphone are installed. 1:1 video call meetings can NOT be managed via the b2match Mobile App.
- Check if you have selected a proper time zone (see Menu: Edit my Profile)
- Use Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome or Opera browser preferably
- Internet Edge Browser only works for Version IDs 80+ (Chromium edition)
- To make sure that everything is set correctly, please go to your "Meetings" and click on the green camera button "Meeting starts in ..." - this will open the video call in your browser. You should be able to see yourself!
Effective B2B partnering consists of
4 simple steps
1) Online registration
Register via the green button "Register Now". During registration, you are required to provide the following information:
- Your organisation's profile
- Your OFFER (expertise and project cooperation) or your REQUEST in the Marketplace
All the information must be written in English and will be checked and validated before being included in the Marketplace.
2) Promotion of published profiles
All profiles (Expertise, Project Cooperation & Requests) will be promoted within the Marketplace.
Profiles are the key to success to finding a collaboration partner, as interest will be generated based upon the information submitted with each profile entry. We would encourage all participants to submit, in as much detail as possible, the most accurate information when creating an OFFER or a REQUEST. All cooperation profiles will be published online.
3) Arrangement of your virtual appointments
You will be able to browse through the list of Participants or search the Marketplace to identify suitable partnership opportunities. Use the optional filters to easily find the ones aligned with your goals.
Browse published participants' profiles and send meeting requests to those you wish to connect with. You are encouraged to add some meaningful or personalised remarks about why you are interested to meet, so as to increase the chance that your request will be accepted.
Meeting requests must be confirmed by the recipients to be scheduled.
Participants available for meeting requests are indicated by a green button "Available". Make yourself available for 1:1 partner matching sessions via Agenda / Event Agenda.
4) Prepare your joint project application
When a match is ascertained, both project partners are encouraged to have detailed conversations on the project collaboration in preparation for their IraSME or CORNET application. More details on the eligibility criteria and application process can be found on the IraSME or CORNET website.